Does color copying make a difference?
June 23, 2012//Comments Off on Does color copying make a difference?
Contemplating color in Colorado Springs?
People have printed in color for years. It’s fun, it’s catchy, and people seem to like it better. Maybe “fun and catchy” don’t do it for you though. Maybe you’re a bottom line person. You want to know if switching to color really means anything. Well you are in luck. Xerox has put in the work for you and created a brochure that outlines the real results of color. Here are some of the things that you should know.
- Statistically a newsletter or pamphlet is given a meager 2.5 seconds of time before a decision is made about it. Color increases attention, professionalism, and increases the chances of someone actually reading it.
- Color increases the attention span, and the ability to recall information by 82%.
- Telephone listings in color have been proven to increase response by 44%. (Keep in mind they are normally competing with very boring all black and white adds. This might be a bit skewed.)
- Color reduces errors by 80%. This is good to know internally because errors in the office cost money.
- Color helps to sell 80% more… this is a serious point. (Notice how proper application of color really makes that 80% pop?)
- Color has been shown to increase brand recognition by 80% This can be vital if your customer is choosing between options and you need to be remembered.
There you have it, color is better than something for making pages pretty, it gets results!
If you are looking for a color copier in the Colorado Springs area call us!