What is better, Printers or Copiers?
There has been a persistent question for business owners about whether it is better to have a copier or printer for the office. Which one is cheaper ultimately? Which one will help my office function the most efficiently? Traditionally it has been thought that it is cheaper to have copier because copiers are cheaper in the long run, but this is not always the case. The reasons for this can vary but typically it is because copiers are quite simply much more expensive upfront, but this can also be because copiers can break down more often and thus require more repairs and maintenance than printers do.
It is true that cost per print is almost always cheaper for copiers than it is for a printer but if your office does not have a very high volume of prints per month then it still may make much more sense to have a simpler printer that will be cheaper upfront and for maintenance and repairs.
If your Colorado Springs area company is in the market for either a copier or a printer, we would love the opportunity to get your office the equipment that will help propel it into the future. Give us a call at (719) 645-4550.