Document Mangement – Capture
How are you choosing document management in Colorado Springs?
If you have been looking into document management then you have probably heard the term Capture by now. How are you planning to get your physical documents into electronic form? If you are planning on using a copier to do this is you copier compatible with the document management system that you want? Every manufacturer offers their own document management system, Xerox has the Scan Flow System, Kyocera has KyoCapture, Lexmark offers DocMP, HP has NetDocuments, Ricoh has DocumentMall etc. These are typically only compatible with the manufacture’s devices.
A good document management system will not require you to stick with a single brand. You should be able to capture, index and store files easily with any brand that you use. If you cannot do this then you may be looking in the wrong place all together.
If you are looking at document management systems we would recommend checking ours out too. We can show you a demo and explain how ours can get you going for 1/5 the cost of the competition.